Bealiba 2000
Box & Ironbark

Come one, come all
for a fantastic Fun Weekend.

Ride the Vintage Steam Train to Bealiba.

At Bealiba on the Labour Day weekend
March 11th & 12th in the year 2000.

See the skills and crafts of our Pioneers
Woodchopping and cross cut saw demonstrations,
Blade sheep Shearing, Cooper (Barrel Making),
Post and Rail fencing, Wood turning
Sheep dog yarding demonstrations, painting
Sculpture, Wool spinning, Butter churning
Stationary engines, Hay Baling
Whip cracking, Cooking Damper, Chaff Cutting, Pottery, Crafts
(BYO Folding Chairs)

Join in the Activities and enjoy the displays
Working with wood, Feed the animals,
Country Music, Plaster Painting,
Highland Band, Face Painting,
Traditional Jazz Band, Vintage Cars,
Horse and Cart rides, Gold detecting,
Historical re-enactment, Buskers,
Line dancing, Pony Rides, Bush Poetry,
Vintage Motor Cycles,
Best Dressed Swagman/woman

And a BIG Parade on the Saturday Afternoon

Lots of food and craft stalls
Bar-B-Q and Sausage sizzle
Cake stalls
Drink Bars
White elephant stalls
Bric-a-brac stalls
And on the Saturday Night
A Bush/ Country Dance
Great fun for Everyone
On Sunday at the Recreation Reserve
A Pony Club Gymkhana
and much much more!!!

For Further Details
President : Adrian Cook 5469 1229
Secretary : Wendy Newitt 5469 1262
Treasurer : Kate Mclelland 5469 1231
email : [email protected]

Where is Bealiba?? click here to find out!